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wiki:xenosaga_episode_iii_perfect_guide_translation [2014/01/27 15:54]
wiki:xenosaga_episode_iii_perfect_guide_translation [2014/05/18 14:49]
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-You can read it there : +  
- +**Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra ~ Perfect Guide Translation**
-http://issuu.com/the.derviche24/docs/xenosaga_iii_perfect_guide  +
- +
- +
-Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra ~ Perfect Guide Translation+
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 An analysis of Xenosaga EPISODE I, II, & III An analysis of Xenosaga EPISODE I, II, & III
 The decode of Xenosaga World Structure The decode of Xenosaga World Structure
 +You can read it there :
 +or there :
 +Details of the diagrams (click on the images to enlarge) :
 +Concept diagram that illustrates the act of the upper domain existence U-Do's observation of the lower domain :
 +Character Correlation Diagram, at the Start of Episode 1 :
 +Character Correlation Diagram, Throughout the Miltian Conflict :
 +Character Correlation Diagram, at the Start of Episode II :
 +Character Correlation Diagram, from the Start of Episode III to before the Ending :

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