Welcome to the Xeno-Underground Wiki!

This is an old revision of the document!

This is a documentation of the production of the video games Xenogears and Xenosaga I, II and III. This was all produced by the user A.C. and I am eternally grateful to him for this titanic work that must never be lost.

Edit: Since A.C. has returned, he has requested that archives of his materia be removed. I have substituted the links previously entered with links to his official material. ~Kat

Xenogears http://xenogearsxenosagastudyguide.blogspot.com/p/the-history-of-xenogears.html

Xenosaga http://xenogearsxenosagastudyguide.blogspot.com/p/creators-tetsuya-takahashi-and-soraya.html

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