__**High Entia History (Satorl Marsh - Sororal Statues)**__ Dunban: Those statues… Am I right in thinking they are of High Entia origin?\\ Melia: They are indeed. These are the Sororal Statues. They depict twin goddesses representing order and justice.\\ Dunban: A treacherous place to erect them.\\ Melia: This place was once used for our Coming-of-Age Ceremony.\\ Dunban: __[Here?!]__ –\\ Melia: Yes, here! What are you trying to suggest?! This site is a stunning example of High Entia architectural skill.\\ Dunban: I can’t deny that.\\ Melia: **Oh no…!**\\ Dunban: What’s wrong, Melia?\\ Melia: Each statue is supposed to have an ether crystal on its chest. But one of them is missing!\\ Dunban: Thankfully, the other statue’s crystal is still present.\\ Melia: I wonder what happened…\\ Dunban: __[It might have fallen off.]__ –\\ Melia: I have my doubts that such a thing is possible…\\ Dunban: Perhaps it was due to a flaw in the construction. Even the wise and skilled High Entia must have their off days.\\ Melia: Spare me your sarcasm, Dunban. Even if you are correct.\\ Dunban: Why don’t you replace the crystal? Bring the sisters back to glory! I’m sure you’re up to the task.\\ Melia: That is not a bad idea. What one sister has, the other craves. And we cannot have that!\\ Dunban: Those statues… Am I right in thinking they are of High Entia origin?\\ Melia: They are indeed. These are the Sororal Statues. They depict twin goddesses representing order and justice.\\ Dunban: A treacherous place to erect them.\\ Melia: This place was once used for our Coming-of-Age Ceremony.\\ Dunban: __[Here?!]__ –\\ Melia: Yes, here! What are you trying to suggest?! This site is a stunning example of High Entia architectural skill.\\ Dunban: I can’t deny that.\\ Melia: **Oh no…!**\\ Dunban: What’s wrong, Melia?\\ Melia: Each statue is supposed to have an ether crystal on its chest. But one of them is missing!\\ Dunban: Thankfully, the other statue’s crystal is still present.\\ Melia: I wonder what happened…\\ Dunban: __[Perhaps it was stolen.]__ + Many people with dubious reputations travel through here.\\ Melia: I have heard of such people. I don’t suppose we’ll ever see it again…\\ Dunban: Why don’t you replace it?\\ Melia: You’re right, Dunban. The twin goddesses of order and justice must look their part.\\ Dunban: Order and justice, huh? I am sure they’d be happy if you were to help them out.\\ Dunban: Those statues… Am I right in thinking they are of High Entia origin?\\ Melia: They are indeed. These are the Sororal Statues. They depict twin goddesses representing order and justice.\\ Dunban: A treacherous place to erect them.\\ Melia: This place was once used for our Coming-of-Age Ceremony.\\ Dunban: __[That seems fitting.]__ +\\ Melia: Potential successors to the throne who came of age were left here. If they survived, they could return to the capital, triumphant.\\ Dunban: I see. So only the best specimens continued the imperial line. Ruthless but effective.\\ Melia: That is what I was told, at least. It was probably all just a formality.\\ Dunban: Of course. Fighting off the Satorl Guardian alone is no easy task.\\ Melia: However, I have heard of a former ruler who did see the task through.\\ Dunban: __[An adventurous one, no doubt.]__ –\\ Melia: The participant has no choice in participating.\\ Dunban: Then it sounds as if they were simply being led to their death.\\ Melia: There must have been a reason for conducting the ceremony. Something that made it necessary in that particular case.\\ Dunban: Are you suggesting… this High Entia was of mixed blood?\\ Melia: Yes. The ceremony must have been needed to gain the people’s trust. Just as I faced the Tomb.\\ Dunban: Does this place remind you of the Tomb?\\ Melia: Yes. Of the hardship I faced there. And the friends that saved my life. I am forever grateful to you all.\\ Dunban: Those statues… Am I right in thinking they are of High Entia origin?\\ Melia: They are indeed. These are the Sororal Statues. They depict twin goddesses representing order and justice.\\ Dunban: A treacherous place to erect them.\\ Melia: This place was once used for our Coming-of-Age Ceremony.\\ Dunban: __[That seems fitting.]__ +\\ Melia: Potential successors to the throne who came of age were left here. If they survived, they could return to the capital, triumphant.\\ Dunban: I see. So only the best specimens continued the imperial line. Ruthless but effective.\\ Melia: That is what I was told, at least. It was probably all just a formality.\\ Dunban: Of course. Fighting off the Satorl Guardian alone is no easy task.\\ Melia: However, I have heard of a former ruler who did see the task through.\\ Dunban: __[A half-Homs like you?]__ +\\ Melia: Very astute, Dunban. Not a pleasant fact, but still true.\\ Dunban: I find it ironic. Goddesses of order and justice looking down with biased gazes.\\ Melia: Still, I can understand why the ceremony was necessary. It must have been the only way to secure the people’s trust.\\ Dunban: The same reason you faced the Tomb, right?\\ Melia: …\\ Dunban: Calm yourself, Melia. Whenever you feel afraid, know that we’re here to protect you.\\ Melia: I know, Dunban. You saved my life at the Tomb. I will never forget the debt I owe you and the others.