**Cyborg** //From the XSIII Database Transcription:// An obsolete technology, once popular in the age of the Life Recycling Law. Bodies of donors were revived and retained as weapons on the Galaxy Federation Government as Cyborgs. [[Ziggy]] was one such human who, as a registered donor, was revived and turned to a battle Cyborg after his death. Donors who were affiliated with special forces or the military were assigned to similar duties after their revival, but donors without such background were at times assigned to harsh manual labor or dangerous terraforming activities. Some were even assigned as housekeepers. Many cyborgs were superior to humans in abilities, but were stripped of their rights and placed in a very low social position. Because of these issues, the number of aspiring cyborg donors gradually decreased, and the Galaxy Federation adopted a negative stance toward cyborg donation. Presently, the Life Recycling Law has become obsolete with the introduction of Realians, which are far superior to Cyborgs in performance. Note that individuals who have undergone a cyborg operation to repair and enhance flesh-and-blood bodies after damage received from accidents or some functional failure are not the same as donated cyborgs.