XENOBLADE MEDIA - Xenoblade: The Secret File: Monado Archives
Please forgive the lack of quality for these scans. I was trying to get them out as fast as I could when I first scanned them for Godsibb, and I'm sure if anyone tried, they'd do much better than I did. Until then, enjoy them for what they are!
- Table of Contents
- Covers
- Archive 1 - Recollection - 001-011
- Archive 2 - Worldvisual - 012-029
- Archive 3 - Xenopedia
- 3 - 1 - Main Characters
- 3 - 2 - Characters
- 3 - 3 - World Guidance
- 3 - 4 - Battlevoice File
- 3 - 5 - Kizuna Talk File
- 3 - 6 - Quest Partytalk File
Archive 4 - Materials
- 4 - 1 - Character Designworks
- 4 - 2 - Mechanic Designworks
- 4 - 3 - Storyboard
Archive 5 - Dengeki Xenoblade
Archive 6 - Story Playback
- 6 - 1 - Event List
- 6 - 2 - Famous Scenes
- 6 - 3 - Secret Episode
- 6 - 4 - Chronology